Job Centre Plus

Jobcentre Plus is a government-funded employment agency and social security office that can be found in most town and cities, whose aim it is to help people of working age find employment in the UK. It was formed when the Employment Service merged with the Benefits Agency and was renamed Jobcentre Plus in 2002. It is a part of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Jobcentre Plus provides resources to enable job-searchers to find work, through Jobpoints (touch-screen computer terminals), Jobseeker Direct (telephone service) and the Jobcentre Plus website. They offer information about training opportunities for the unemployed.

Stockton Council Learning & Skills Service has an excellent relationship with the Jobcentres in our region. We have a long history of working in partnership with JCP colleagues to ensure we design and put on training courses, sector based work academies, and qualifications that will most benefit their customers and help them move into work, and also improve health and well being.

We also work in partnership with the local Jobcentres to put on careers events, information, advice and guidance sessions, and to help promote our apprenticeship vacancies.

We enjoy working in partnership with our colleagues at the Jobcentres for the benefit of our residents who need support.

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