Comments, Compliments & Complaints

We highly value your feedback, which can be provided through various channels, including surveys and the Learner Voice Forum.

Additionally, you have several options to share your feedback:

  • Speak directly to your Tutor or Assessor.
  • Complete a learner survey
  • Email the Learner Services Manager at
  • Send written correspondence to: Feedback, Stockton Learning and Skills Service, The Causeway, Billingham Community Centre, TS23 2DA.
  • Fill out the feedback form below 

All concerns will be thoroughly investigated, and within ten working days, you will receive feedback on the progress or outcome of the investigation. If you are dissatisfied with the result or prefer not to approach your tutor, trainer, or assessor, you can contact the Team Leader.

In case you have concerns related to assessment or examination grades, especially for courses leading to a qualification, there is an appeals procedure established by the awarding body.

If your course is funded by the Skills Funding Agency, they also have their own appeals procedure. For further information on the appeals process, please speak to your tutor. 

Form Fields

What We Will Do

We will pass your compliments to the staff involved. We will investigate your concern and look carefully at the issues raised