
What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding refers to the measures taken to protect individuals, particularly vulnerable people, from harm, abuse, or neglect. Abuse may take the form of a single or series of acts, large or small, whose impact ‘negatively affects’ the individual. Sometimes these abusive acts maybe deliberate, but they can also be unintentional.

An adult may experience several types of abuse at the same time, and although the different forms of abuse are presented below individually, there is often a lot of overlap between them.

Safeguarding is broken down into 10 types of concerns:

Physical Abuse including assault, hitting, slapping, pushing, misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate physical sanctions

Financial or Material Abuse including theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs or arrangements, including in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.

Neglect and Acts of Omission including ignoring medical, emotional or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, care and support or educational services, the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating.

Sexual Abuse Including rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, sexual photography, subjection to pornography or witnessing sexual acts, indecent exposure and sexual assault or sexual acts to which have not been consented to or pressured into consenting.

Psychological Abuse including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, cyber bullying, isolation or unreasonable and unjustified withdrawal of services or supportive networks.

Organisational Abuse including neglect and poor care practice within an institution. This may range from one off incidents to on-going ill-treatment. It can be through neglect or poor professional practice as a result of the structure, policies, processes and practices within an organisation.

Discriminatory Abuse including forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment; because of race, gender and gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation or religion.

Self-Neglect covers a wide range of behaviour neglecting to care for one’s personal hygiene, health or surroundings and includes behaviour such as hoarding.

Domestic Abuse any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. The abuse can be, but not limited to: psychological, sexual, financial and emotional.

Modern Slavery encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic servitude. Traffickers and slave masters use whatever means they have at their disposal to coerce, deceive and force individuals into a life of abuse, servitude and inhumane treatment.

How do you report safeguarding concerns?

Concerns can be reported to any staff member at Stockton Learning and Skills Service.

The service also has a Safeguarding Team to support their learners, they can be contacted by email

If you need to speak to someone outside of working hours, please call the First Contact Team on 01642 524552.

Domestic abuse or violence is a crime - if you or someone else is in immediate danger, call 999

If you think you have been harmed or abused or if you are a victim of cyber bullying you should report this as soon as possible - tell a member of staff what is happening or contact the Safeguarding Team on 07775227534 or by email to . If out of hours, please call the First Contact Team on 01642 524552.


Safeguarding Children

Ensuring the safety and well-being of children is a everyone's responsibility.

The Tees Safeguarding Children Partnerships serve as a collaborative platform for professionals working with children and families, placing the safety and welfare of children at the forefront of their efforts.

Through their website, the Tees Safeguarding Children Partnerships provide valuable information to children, young people, families, communities, and professionals regarding the coordinated efforts of various organisations in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. The website also offers guidance on how to report concerns about a child. For more information, please visit the Tees Safeguarding Children Partnerships' Procedures website at

Play video What is Safeguarding? TSAB Safeguarding Explainer
What is Safeguarding? TSAB Safeguarding Explainer